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The Bouquet

Have you ever wondered why weddings are always (almost always) surrounded by beautiful flowers and greens? or why the bride carries a floral bouquet? well, I have!. Since I was a little girl I was fascinated by how girls looked on their wedding day, and the bridal bouquet was my favorite thing to admire. In fact, I've always wondered how mine will look like (but that's another story still to be written). Before starting my floral business a did some research (OK! I "Googled") about the meaning of wedding flowers and the role that they play in such important event. Apparently, back in time brides carried aromatic herbs and garlic (yucky!) on the day of their wedding in order to keep "evil spirits" and "bad omens" away, but as the time went by this tradition was replaced by carrying bouquets of beautiful flowers instead. Flowers are a symbol of fertility and everlasting love, and hey! what couple wouldn't want to bring beautiful little people and love into their marriage.

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